Thursday, October 4, 2012

Photo edits/short post

Ok as it is 12:37 at night and I probably won't finish this post before I fall asleep I'm just letting you guys know I got around to editing one of the pics that I want to post....if I can retrieve it I'll show you the after pic with all the color effects, the before pic will probably be up tomorrow once I edit this post.

Ok here's the first photo edit from the Rally I think it was...three weeks going on a month ago. The main campus I go was having a call to arms rally and my instructor, That dude in the pic talked about his life and how he didn't let the bad things that happened to him keep him down, and from finding his own success, He is a very inspirational man, and a very kind one as well that lives for helping people find their own success in life. His shirt and the reason only the o and the two rings are edited is because I feel strongly about it. During his speech at one point he was talking about sex symbols and um, yeah kinda held up a pair of lingerie, of course he stated that's what America and the world wants you to think is the typical sex symbol, so he proceeds to take the top half of his suit off and lo and behold this shirt. I'll post what he was wearing before this one but in my eyes, Marriage is the true sex symbol not only because its the right thing to do but because marriage kind of symbolizes that closeness during sex, and that unity, and to me that's what marriage is, becoming one, becoming unified in a close bond that will always last and never separate.

Yeah that's my sappy for the night I'm off to bed now so I can get up in a few hours.

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