Friday, October 19, 2012

Black and white photos

Ok I have a treat for all you guys that view this blog if anyone actually reads this. I know this is way way late but these are the final Photos  from my First Portfolio project, I will post the final nine for the second set once I get the critiques and everything out the way. So without further adieu Here's my final nine photos from my First Portfolio

So This is my First Photo all these images were taken at the Botanical gardens in Norfolk Virginia, This is a statue of I think The virgin Mary and a little baby. I've taken numerous photos of this statue but I think it looks wonderful as Black and white. One thing I hated was that it was a pain in the butt to make this thing black and white, I couldn't find the balance that I wanted for the longest time, because I'm picky about my photos like that, truth be told I'm still not happy about it but it'll do I suppose you can't have perfect everything. Next Photo

Second Photo. In class I got a lot of comments on this one. This one, as in this one spot could be my little escape, that and I have plans to do a cosplay shoot at this one spot. Hopefully photos of this one will be done once I get the costume and things for it. Anyway this one was fairly easy to edit I think I like the sky and the flowers most this one was even more of a pain to edit than the last one was because I had such a rich amount of color that I had to just deepen the sky and whiten the flowers and boom this photo. Next up

This one here is from the Japanese Garden, When I take Photos I want my viewers or lack of to feel what I feel when I take photos. When I took this photo I felt relaxed, calm, at peace and I hope you guys can feel the same.

This is only three of the nine pictures I have I'll post the other six at a later time But I guess this is what you call a teaser post, Next Post will probably be more edited photos or my personal photos of having learned Shutter Priority mode. Probably Shutter priority mode because I plan on going to Busch Gardens for a bit and freezing the roller coasters as they move.

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