Yeah this is just gonna be a separate entry to the first one. I kinda got into my Crochet a few days ago and forgot about this, I need to have it done by Fri....yeah I'm bad with dates can't you tell? Anyway Here are the photos I took from the Scavenger Hunt Assignment, I'm not sure the names of the people in my group But I'll post that picture First Even though I think I have a better one.
Ok This photo is of myself and the people in my group I'm still learning as I'm in classes to do this professionally and I can already see a number of things wrong with this. The guy to my right looks purple and there wasn't enough light and exposure to the back. However I think it does a good job following the rule of thirds. If I could go back and take this photo again I probably would. The lady to the left of me is a bit fuzzy as well, maybe its just because the pic is small. I dunno anyway that's my thoughts on that one. Not my fav but hey I like to critique my own work. Ok Next Photo

This is my second photo Of something round. Yes its an oil drum its what we found when we took our group shot. Things wrong with this picture, Aside from getting one of my group members arms along with his camera, I still don't know how that happened. I don't see anything particularly wrong with this photo other than the can being in the photo but I couldn't help that I didn't want to move someone's property. I think the exposure is good, the photo is clear so that's a plus. Its a bit dark but it reflects the atmosphere in the alley and gives it that ol downtown Brooklyn feel. I dunno I think it does

Now this one here would probably be my favorite Picture. Why? Because one I love butterflies, two they were on a gate in front of a church, and three, look at the feather like wings. If it wasn't for the fact that the main body was metal, I woulda thought this was a real butterfly. I like that the focus is on he butterfly and surrounding metal and the fact that I got a good bit of bokeh in the background, it almost looks dreamy/magical, like the butterfly will come alive and flutter off into the sky. Yeah I'm weird like that. But hey its my photo. Um I think it follows the rules that were specified and I know we were only supposed to post one picture but I can't just post one of something, its an adventure, coming back and sharing just that one good thing is like teasing everyone in my opinion.
So Those are my three top ones From Least to favorite. Hopefully I'll get better as the year goes by and I can share better Photographs