Welcome to my blog, I almost never use this and I've had to reformat it because I have a reason to use it now. Um yeah Little about me. I'm 26 years old and have been into photography since 2003-05 range. Up until that point, well I guess I've always been interested in it, because I only look in magazines to look at the photos so it may have been way before that.
Like I said I've Been into the hobby since 2003-05 range. How I got into it is both a sad and a good one. When my aunt Donna died and we, that is to say my Dad my brother and me,mother stayed behind to watch the house and stuff, I ran around snapping photos like heck. At that time I only had access to a small point and shoot, and I think when we returned I had shot over like...I don't know 200+ pics. Sadly half of those got deleted because me and novice self at the time didn't know that formatting a memory card would erase all your photos. I don't believe there was that message that said all photos will be lost either, just a "are you sure you want to format said memory card" message. So yeah take it from me folks, DO NOT TOUCH THE FORMAT CARD OPTION ON YOUR POINT AND SHOOT OR DSLR less you want to lose all of your pretty photos take it from someone that's done it. it Ain't pretty.
Anyway, when we came back down here I slowly, well not really slowly through pulling a crapton of hours at my then one job at the time I managed to get a rather nice big paycheck, upon researching, and doing a whole lot of number crunching and price checking in between I bought my First DSLR, my Beloved Nikon D40. From the time I bought it up until the time I started working two jobs I don't think I ever stopped taking photos with that Camera. I'm the kind of person that likes things quick and simple so I shot in Automatic modes most of the time, Most of my earlier pictures, which I clock in at around 1k to maybe 2k photos. When I picked up a second job I sadly and regretfully couldn't shoot photos as much as I liked, and once I got my license well yeah all heck broke lose from there, now with a means of transportation I attended my First American Indian Festival The photos from that event can be found here American Indian Festival .
Between that time and my next big photo event I shot wild animals, mainly geese before they hung around in a small shopping center, A snow storm, and various other things that I haven't uploaded to any of my photo sites. My next big event, I would have to say was the Bark in the Park, which is a local I guess you can call it a mini festival where people Bring their dogs out, and have a good time. Its sponsered by the Chesapeake SPCA and they had many tents up to adopt certain dogs, reptiles and carious animals and games for the kids up. They also had various demonstrations involving dogs and the roles they played in the city. Photos from that Event can be found here Bark in the Park
Next up and I'll stop after this because I have to head to work soon. >_< Was Virginia's, what I consider to be its biggest since we only have two, is the 2011 Nekocon, where anime fans, comic fans, movie fans and such on hole up in the Hampton Convention Center for three days and shoot photos buy things and have a good ol fashioned time. Images from this event which I have to say is my most favorite and memorable Can be found here Nekocon
Ok that's about it for my introduction I'll have another post probably later tonight....